Impeccable design from concept to manufacturing

Our industrial design process begins by understanding your brand and your customers, to design products that are user-focused, tested, and manufacturable. We are experts in rapid iteration, form development, 3D modeling, and manufacturing processes.

industrial design services

Fluid design in
product development

We test and validate design concepts with flexibility not available in traditional CAD, so you can make objective and informed design decisions, quickly.

Design for superior

Your product will be designed with sensitivity to fit, feel, safety, and inclusivity, to create a superior wearable product. We use virtual and physical prototyping techniques to test ergonomics.

Clamping force rig mobile
Designs are tested using 3D human models representing different size percentiles.

Digital twins for
testing & validation

We use digital twin testing environments to reduce development timelines, prototyping waste, and costly manufacturing mistakes. This method brings clarity to complex designs and product constraints. image
swandoo case study

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